A whistle stop tour of Norfolk and neighbouring counties for some of the
special breeding birds of the area resulted in mixed success.
I failed to see Montagu's Harrier and didn't meet anyone who had, also failed
with Honey Buzzard too. On a brighter note, self-found Golden Oriole and Wood Sand'
made up for the omissions.
A splendid Red-Necked Phalarope at Burton Norton and churring Nightjars on
Salthouse were magic. Other highlights included Little Stint, Garganey and Black Tern.
These Coot images below show how a coupling of Damselflies met their ending
Coot with chick
This Carrion Crow stole five Avocet eggs in thirty minutes at Titchwell RSPB
Med' Gulls
Grasshopper Warbler
Sandwich Terns
Turtle Dove, the only ones seen all weekend