Monday, 26 November 2012

Firth of Forth, Nov' 24th-25th 2012

An overnight stay with Andrew Bates near Aberlady Bay, produced some
some reasonably close views of a range of Seaduck. Velvet and Common
Scoters were seen well and in their hundreds, along with Long-tailed Duck,
Red-throated Divers and up to 40 Slavonian Grebes. Thousands of Geese
and Waders and with the weather just about holding out, we had an enjoyable,
weekends birding.

Goldeneye, around 200 were off Musselburgh

Red-throated Diver

Velvet Scoter


Long-tailed Duck

Red-throated Diver

Slavonian Grebes

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Donna Nook Seals, 18th Nov' 2012

A day out with Bob Rawlinson to the Grey Seal colony at Donna Nook
in Lincolnshire. A superb day, with bright, sunny conditions and as always,
lots of obliging Seals.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Waxwings at Barrow, 10th-11th Nov' 2012

After an absence last winter the Waxwings have returned, with up to twenty four
seen at Barrow this week. I saw a max' of fifteen and the birds were as charming
and as popular as ever.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Willow Warbler and Long-tailed Duck

November 3rd, 2012, by far the latest Willow Warbler i've seen in the UK
and present for some time in the car park at Stocks Reservoir. The bird
seemed to have some kind of problem with it's throat and was constantly
gaping, possibly explaining it's prolonged stay.
The Long-tailed Duck showed quite well from the old hide and only my
second record for East Lancs. A small skein of Pink-feet flew over and
and the afternoon was rounded off nicely with a ringtail Hen Harrier on
surrounding moorland.

Willow Warbler

Pink-footed Geese

Long-tailed Duck

Hen Harrier

Friday, 19 October 2012

Lapland Bunting, Pendle Hill Oct' 19th 2012

A genuinely rare bird in East Lancashire, this being only my second in the area.
And with a gap of around ten years since my last east Lancs sighting, i made
the effort to try and find it.

Found by Steve Grimshaw the day before, but seen poorly and briefly, i knew
it would be a 'needle in a haystack' scenario to locate. Luckily, after not too
much searching the bird was with a loose flock of Meadow Pipits and
although it was very difficult to see on the ground, eventually, it showed well
enough for some images to be taken.

The bird was present till at least 16:00 last seen by Martin Naylor. Hopefully
it will stay around for others to enjoy.