Saturday, 31 March 2012

First of the year, 31st March 2012

Ring Ouzel and Wheatear that is. At a favoured site at Gorple where
finding Ring Ouzel is fairly straight forward. With a single male seen
after ten minutes searching and a pair of Wheatear. Always a joy to
see these birds again.
Ring Ouzel

Northern Wheatear

Grey Wagtail

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Toad Orgy

Slipper Hill Res' 27th March 2012

Masses of Toads were at the waters edge today with at least 500
on view. With lots on the paths, you had to be careful where you
Birdwise, a singing Chiffchaff was about the best on offer.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Great Grey Shrike

19th March 2012, Longridge Fell
The Shrike was showing very well in a de-forested area, although a
little distant for a dslr camera. Several Crossbills were around the
plantations, occasionally landed on the tops of trees, again showing

Great Grey Shrike

Sunday, 11 March 2012

More South Africa

Some additional images, from the four thousand taken on my recent trip
last month.
Bataleur (immature)

Striated Heron

Cardinal Woodpecker

Amur Falcon (part of a 300 strong flock)

Cape White-eye

European Roller

Tawny Eagle

Botha's Lark

Burchell's Starling

Shy Albatross

Bath time!

African Palm Swift

White-rumped Swift

White-chinned Petrel

Flesh-footed Shearwater

Long-tailed Widowbird, amazing!

Dunsop Bridge 11th March 2012

Lots of Siskin c80+ and smaller numbers of Crossbill 15+ flying in both
directions in Dunsop Valley today. A single Woodcock was in flight over
the plantation, with at least 6 seen earlier in the day by other birders.
The Woodcock were flushed by gun-dogs.