Monday, 28 May 2012

Goosander, Common Tern and Cuckoo May 25-27th 2012

This Goosander with young was on the river at Bolton Abbey

At Lower Foulridge two Common Terns were over the reservoir. They are only the second
record for me this spring in a very poor passage this year.

A male Cuckoo was calling almost continually on the evening of the 27th at Upper
Coldwell, much to the anger of the local Meadow Pipits!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Cumbria 19th-20th May 2012

A mini tour of the Lake district in the campervan this weekend. A few walks in the
woods showed that Spotted Flycatchers are still a familiar bird, with birds seen in
every wood we visited. Garden Warbler and Redstart too. A quick visit
to Bassenthwaite drew a blank for Osprey, with just a couple of Buzzards over the

Spotted Flycatcher


Common Sandpiper

House Martins collecting mud

Monday, 14 May 2012

Twite 13th May 2012

Some selected Twite images from the feeding station at Cant Clough.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Spring migrants

3rd-6th May 2012
i've been birding at various places this week in the north west.
Visiting Leighton Moss, Marshside, Pendle, and Foulridge ( four times.)
Just a few images of the Birds.


Willow Warbler

Barn Swallow

Garganey, Leighton Moss

Dunlin and Ringed Plover, Marshside


two male Ruffs, Marshside

male and female 2nd cy Med' Gulls

Mass flight of Waders over the Ribble

Red Deer with Common Sandpiper

Blackpool Tower from Pendle Hill (telephoto lens)