Five nights in Reykjavic with my girlfriend to enjoy the sights and
see in the new year. Naturally, my binoculars and camera found
their way into my hand luggage!
I managed to do a 'days' birding, more like four hours with the
available light, on the 31st Dec. The area we visited was Grunda-
rfjordur on the Snaefellness peninsula.
It was teeming with Birds. At the Fjord before Grundarfjorder, four
White-tailed Eagles were in the air, thousands of white-winged Gulls
of all manner, Seaducks and Waders, along with 800+ Snow Buntings
which lined the roads on the journey up from Reyjkavic.
We came up specifically to look for Orcas, unfortunately, we didn't
see them but i was more than compensated with 15 Harlequin Ducks
and a Gyrfalcon!
Snow Buntings
Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull
Harlequin Ducks
immature White-tailed Eagle
An interestingly marked Bird with well marked primaries
Wite-tailed Eagles
Iceland Gull
Iceland Gull
Black Guillemot
Northern Eider with Harlequins
Northern Eider with sails
Glaucous Gull
Iceland Gull
Iceland Gull
Down town Reyjkavic
the Blue Lagoon