Sunday, 11 May 2014

Pendle Hill Dotterels, May 2014

Three afternoon/evening visits with up to four Dotterels seen, including a
superbly-plumaged female. Always popular with birders and photo-
graphers alike, i did manage to have them all to myself for an hour
or so on one visit.


  1. Probablly some of the best Dotterel shots about Gary. .....Excellent,especially the head shot no 31!!

  2. Thanks Paul, they're not exactly difficult to photograph though.

  3. Great shots Gary, this brings back so many memories, some of them actually good!! LOL. All joking aside, despite the hill climb to get there Pendle Hill is a great plcae to visit especially when the prize is a trip of Eurasian Dotterel. Thanks for sharing these lovely images. Cheers. Rick and Elis: Wader Quest.

  4. Thanks Rick, glad you liked them. I think i have around 3000 Dotterel images now! Happy birding.
