home, i couldn't resist twitching them. I took my niece Amelia along with me for a day
out. Around a dozen other birders were on site when we arrived mid-morning
and found the Buff-breast showing well along with a small assortment of other Waders.
Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Little Stint, several Dunlin and Ringed Plover were around
but no sign of the two Pec's unfortunately.
An hour later and highlights from the Eric Morecambe/Allen Pools complex were
Green and another Curlew Sandpiper along with Spotted Redshank, and several Ruff.
Amelia was very excited at seeing her first Peregrine sat on a post and told most people
in the hide so!
Later in the afternoon we tried for the Otters that had been showing from the public
hide at Leighton Moss earlier in the day. As expected, we didn't see them but a flock of
15 Little Egrets and very close views of feeding Dragonflies almost made up for the non-
Buff-breasted Sandpiper with Dunlin
Curlew Sand' with Dunlin
mainly Black-tailed Godwit with other Waders
Common Snipe
Migrant Hawker (i think) taken by Amelia Waddington
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