Sunday, 9 October 2011

New Brighton 8th October 2011

Leach's Petrel was the target bird  for myself and Mark Fanshawe today
with the first sighted at 10.05 and another seven seen before we left, around
2.15pm. The winds weren't from the most favourable direction for the site
but we saw them all the same! 2 Med's and 3 Little Gulls, 2 Guillemot,
2 Common Scoter and singles of Gannet, Arctic Tern and Kittiwake
were also seen. A late Wheatear was on the seawall.

Afterwards, we called in at Inner Marsh Farm RSPB and the newly opened
Burton Mere Wetlands. 5 curlew Sandpiper, Hen Harrier, Peregrine, Med'
Gull, 3 Greenshank and Ruff were present.

watchin' Leach's

Leach's Petrel at c300 metres

Bar-tailed Godwit

Greenshanks with Teal flock

Curlew Sandpipers with Lapwing

Med' Gull

Curlew Sand's

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